William Quan Judge,
“William Quan Judge: His Life and Work,” Compiled and Edited by Sven Eek and Boris de Zirkoff
Biography from “Letters That Have Helped Me, Vol. 2”
“William Quan Judge: A Biographical Sketch,” by Kirby Van Mater
“William Quan Judge,” by Julia Keightley (Jasper Niemand)
“A Salute to William Quan Judge,” By Grace F. Knoche
“William Quan Judge: The Law of Sacrifice,” by anon.
Obituaries, Remembrances, etc.
“Death of William Q. Judge,” by anon.
“Notice [re: Death of W.Q.J.]” by J. D. Buck
“W. Q. J.” by George W. Russell, Julia Keightley and Frederick J. Dick
“The Screen of Time,” by T.
“The Last Days of W. Q. Judge,” by E. T. Hargrove
“The Cremation [of W.Q.J.]” with Claude Falls, E. T. Hargrove and James M. Pryse
“His One Ambition,” by J. D. Buck
“W.Q.J. As I Knew Him,” by Elliot B. Page
“One of the Immortals,” by Jerome A. Anderson
“A Friend of Old Time and of the Future,” by Robert Crosbie
“The Greatest of the Exiles,” by Clement Acton Griscom
“Man and Teacher,” by Edward B. Rambo
“W. Q. Judge as Organizer,” by A. H. Spencer
“A Friend and a Brother,” by E. Augustus Neresheimer
Timeline of Writings
August 1881
October 1881
April 1882
October 1883
January 1884
February 1884
June 1884
October 1884
November 1884
December 1884
July 1885
October 1885
March 1886
April 1886
- Jacob Boehme and the Secret Doctrine
- Theosophy as a Cult in India
- The Path
- AUM!
- A Prophecy About Theosophy
May 1886
- Studies in the Upanishads
- The Application of Theosophical Theories
- Another Theosophical Prophecy
- Matters Touching Theosophy
- What is the Udgitha?
- Theosophical Symbolism
June 1886
August 1886
September 1886
February 1887
March 1887
April 1887
August 1887
September 1887
October 1887
November 1887
December 1887
January 1888
March 1888
April 1888
May 1888
June 1888
July 1888
August 1888
September 1888
October 1888
November 1888
December 1888
January 1889
February 1889
- Reflections
- The Press and Occultism
- Spiritual Gifts and Their Attainment
- Of Occult Powers and Their Acquirement
- Stray Memoranda
- A Review of The Secret Doctrine
March 1889
April 1889
May 1889
June 1889
- A Circulating Library
- The Tell-Tale Picture Gallery
- “Reply to the Attack on Madame Blavatsky”
- “Madame Blavatsky’s Income”
July 1889
August 1889
September 1889
October 1889
November 1889
December 1889
January 1890
February 1890
- Our Sun and the True Sun
- Is Karma Only Punishment?
- H. P. Blavatsky
- The Allegorical Umbrella
- Culture of Concentration II
April 1890
May 1890
June 1890
- Much Reading, Little Thought
- Remembering the Experiences of the Ego
- The New “Department of Branch Work”
July 1890
August 1890
- Libel by Dr. Coues and the “N. Y. Sun”
- Stumbling Blocks in Words
- Evolution
- Two Lost Keys
- “The Self is the Friend of Self and also its Enemy”
September 1890
October 1890
November 1890
December 1890
- Fifteen Years Ago
- Shall We Teach Clairvoyance?
- Theosophy and the Theosophical Society
- The Necessity for Reincarnation
- Bhagavad Gita (The Book of Devotion)
January 1891
February 1891
March 1891
- “Reward for Unmerited Sufferings?”
- Why Yoga Practice is Dangerous
- How the Society is Run
- Transmigration of Souls
- Religion and Reform from a Theosophical View-point
- Tenets of Theosophy
- An American Experiment
April 1891
May 1891
June 1891
- “Yours till Death and After, H.P.B.”
- H.P.B. —A Lion-hearted Colleague Passes
- The League of Theosophical Workers
- The Theosophical Society
- The Enquirer
July 1891
August 1891
September 1891
October 1891
November 1891
December 1891
January 1892
February 1892
March 1892
- About Killing Animals
- “Men Karmic Agents”
- Reply: Resignation of Presidency, T.S. by Col Olcott
- Tract Mailing Scheme
- On the Future: A Few Reflections
- Two Letters to the Editor of the N.Y. Times
- Madame Blavatsky in India
- Six Years Gone
- Affirmations and Denials
- The Future and the Theosophical Society
April 1892
May 1892
June 1892
July 1892
- How She Must Laugh
- Delusions of Clairvoyance
- Evolution
- European Convention: Chairman’s Closing Address
- The Promulgation of Theosophy
August 1892
September 1892
- What Our Society Needs Most
- The Cure of Diseases
- Spiritualism Old And New
- Impossibilities Demanded
- Modernized Upanishad
- A Working Glossary for Theosophical Students
- Theosophy and Epidemics
- The Esoteric She
October 1892
November 1892
December 1892
- Reincarnation in the Bible
- Rounds and Races
- Prophecies by H.P. Blavatsky
- Imagination and Occult Phenomena
- Iconoclasm Toward Illusions
- Theosophy—Its Claims, Doctrines, and Progress
January 1893
February 1893
March 1893
April 1893
May 1893
June 1893
July 1893
- Rig-Veda on Gambling
- Meditation, Concentration, Will
- Mars and Mercury
- Cautions in Paragraphs
- Regarding Islamism
August 1893
September 1893
- How to Square the Teachings
- Our Convictions
- The Secret Doctrine and Physiology
- India and Her Theosophists
- Theosophy in the Christian Bible
- Universal Brotherhood a Fact in Nature
- [On Common Doctrines]
- [On Invocations]
- Organized Life of the Theosophical Society
- [Theosophical Doctrine]
- Cycles and Cyclic Law
October 1893
November 1893
- Theosophical Correspondence Class
- The Theosophical Congress and the Parliament of Religions
- About “The Secret Doctrine”
December 1893
- “Blavatskianism” In and Out of Season
- Theosophy Generally Stated
- Two Spiritualistic Prophecies
- Hypnotism and Theosophy
January 1894
February 1894
March 1894
April 1894
May 1894
June 1894
July 1894
- Points of Agreement in All Religions
- Nigamagama Dharma Sabha
- Universal Brotherhood and Admission of Members
- An Ancient Telephone
August 1894
September 1894
October 1894
- Communications from “Spirits”
- Would Universal Language Aid Universal Brotherhood?
- Conversations on Occultism [2nd Series]