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An Excellent Magic Mirror

Editorial/ by H. P. Blavatsky, The Theosophist, March, 1883

Of the many kinds of divination glass or Magic-mirror that have been devised, the one described by a theosophical brother in the following note is among the best. It has the advantage over a goblet of water and other shining objects, that the eye of the gazer is not fatigued by a large body of white rays, while it possesses most of the good qualities of the ancient concave black mirror of the East. We recommend a trial of it to those who are investigating this most interesting field of “conscious clairvoyance.” If a “caraffece” is not available, a clean, round, smooth inkstand filled with ink will do. It is always difficult for beginners to distinguish between subjective mind-pictures seen by the untrained seer or seeress and actual reflections from the akasa or Astral light: only long practice makes perfect. Without saying whether what our friend’s wife did see in her mirror had or had not much importance, it will suffice to give the general assurance that every member of our society who earnestly makes researches in every lawful branch of occult science, has the chance of help from not only “chelas” but those who are higher than they. Provided always that they are themselves “living the life” described in Hints on Esoteric Theosophy. Experimenters must however always avoid excessive taxation of the nervous system. A clairvoyant or psychometer should never be forced to see longer than they feel good for them nor what is distasteful. Violation of this rule may entail most serious consequences.

[Note: here followed a description by the “theosophical brother” of both the magic-mirror used by him—which is described as “a smooth, glass goglet (or caraffe)” filled with black ink and sealed at the mouth—and the visions experienced through its use.]