Aruna’s grandson Shvetaketu came to the gathering of the Panchâlas. He came to Pravâhana the son of Jibala, in the midst of his followers.
Looking up at him, he said: “Youth,” said he.
“Master,” he replied.
“Have you received from your father the traditional teaching?”
“Yes,” said he.
“Do you know how these beings, on going forth, separate, and go on in different directions?”
“No,” said he.
“Do you know how they enter this world again?”
“No,” said he.
“Do you know why the other world is not filled too full by the multitudes that ever go forth?”
“No,” said he.
“Do you know after what offering is offered, the waters, becoming man-voiced, stand up together and speak?”
“No,” said he.
“Do you know the treading of the path, the way of the Gods, or the way of the Fathers?” Or through doing what, they tread the path of the Gods or the path of the Fathers? For the saying of the seer has been heard of by us:
“’Two going have I heard—of the Fathers and of the Gods—for mortals going hence.
“’By these two all that moves here goes, whatever is between Father and Mother.’”
“No; I do not know even one of these,” said he.
Thereupon he offered to him to well with him; but the youth, not listening to his offer, ran away. He came to his father and said to him:
“Did you not tell me before, Master, that I had received the traditional teaching?”
“Well, what now, wise youth,” said he.
“Five questions that Rajput fellow has asked me, and I do not know a single one of them!”
“What were they?” said he.
He repeated the questions.
But he said to him: “You know us, dear, how if I was wise in anything I told you it all to you. But come, let us go to him, and swell with him and his pupils,” said he.
“Let my father go himself,” said he.
So the descendant of the Gotamas came to the court of Pravâhana the son of Jibala, who offered him a seat and had water brought for him, treating him honorably.
“We grant one wish to this worthy descendant of the Gotamas,” said he.
“here is the wish promised to me: Tell me the teaching you spoke of in the presence of my son!”
He replied: “Descendant of the Gotamas, that is one of the wishes of the Gods; mention rather a wish of men.”
He replied: “I know there are plenty of cows and horses and gold and slave-girls; plenty of tapestries and robes. Do not be ungenerous as to the great, the endless, the universal.”
“Son of the Gotamas, you desire worthily!”
“I choose thee as my master,” said he; for they used to choose a master in these words. So he dwelt with him, honoring him as a master.
He said to him: “Henceforth descendant of the Gotamas, be free from offense towards us, you and your fathers’ fathers. As this wisdom before this never dwelt with any Brahman—yet I shall declare it to you. For who may deny you, speaking thus.”