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Theosophical Tracts

Editorial/ by W. Q. Judge, The Path, August, 1889

Earnest Theosophists, of small means and opportunity, often inquire what one thing they can do to further the spread of Truth and contribute to the upbuilding of the Society. There is certainly one which is simple, inexpensive, and often most efficient, and which can be systematically carried on in precise proportion to spareable funds. It is the mailing of a Theosophic tract to any name in any place in any State. One cent stamped envelopes are sold by the P.O. at the rate of $5.90 per 500, and each of the two tracts thus far issued from the PATH office is furnished at the rate of 50 cts. per 100, smaller quantities in either case being in proportion.

The two tracts referred to were printed and electrotyped by private funds, and were then presented to the office, so that receipts from sales make possible new editions. Moreover, the PATH has been informed that provision will be made for the reprinting in this country of certain others which are successively to appear in the pamphlets of the T. P. S., so that in time a series of these brief circulars, treating condensedly of some Theosophical topic and bearing the address, etc. of the General Secretary, will be available to any one wishing to purchase them for distribution. Due notice of each new issue will appear in the PATH.

In the press, in private correspondence, and in social life, a Theosophist on the alert for an opportunity to sow seed finds many a name whereto may be sent a circular. It simply requires to be folded, placed in a stamped envelope, addressed, and mailed. The donor is unknown. Possibly the circular may be wasted; yet who can foretell that? The ground may be altogether ready for the sowing.

Of the two tracts referred to, there have been sold within the last two months, of the “Epitome of Theosophy” 1024 copies, of “Theosophy as a Guide in Life” 2254 copies. From the PATH office there have now been issued, of the former about 10,000, of the later about 6,000. The latter is perhaps more fitted for general public use, but almost every Theosophist could keep on hand a small supply of each, and be prepared to use either when opportunity arose.