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[An Appeal to Honest and Honorable Foes]

LTTE/ by H. P. Blavatsky, The Epiphany, December, 1883

Letter to the Editor by H.P.B.

[Note: for background, see “The Saracens of Theosophy and the Madras Crusaders”]

Dear Sir,

In the wide Missionary world we count upon at least one narrow circle of honest and honorable foes in yourself and your colleagues. May we long retain such amity of opposition! In your issue of November 24th, a Summary is given of the Rev. Arthur Theophilus’ address on Theosophy with comments by a correspondent, “N.G.M.” It is not my present purpose to controvert the charges brought forward there, as they have been most completely met and refuted in the Supplement to The Theosophist for September 1882. It will appear therefrom that the Reverend gentleman’s pamphlet against us is one long tissue of misstatements from first to last. The only wonder is that the Bishop of Madras should take it upon himself to circulate a pamphlet containing inaccuracies, which were originally mere misstatements, but the reiteration of which after our contradiction renders now those who still circulate them guilty of an offence of much deeper dye. A copy of The Theosophist for September 1882 is sent you under separate cover; it will speak for itself. I confidently rely upon your invariably fair and friendly enmity to hold the balance evenly, and do us that justice which the nature of the case may call for. The perusal of my Review on Rev. Theophilus’ effusion will, I believe, enable you to come to a right decision with regard to the controversy.

Yours faithfully,
H. P. Blavatsky.
Editor, Theosophist.