1. First worship the immortal gods as the Law ordains.
2. Reverence thy oath, and next, the illustrious heroes.
3. Then supplicate the good terrestrial demons, with proper offerings.
4. Honour also thy parents, and those most nearly related to thee.
5. Of other men, make him thy friend who is most distinguished by virtue.
6, Listen to his kind words, and copy his good deeds.
7. Do not hate thy friend for a small fault.
8. Now, Power is a near neighbour to necessity.
9. Know these things; accustom thyself to be the master of thy Passions:
10. First gluttony, then sloth, luxury, and anger.
11. Do no shameful act in private with thyself, nor with another:
12. And above all things respect thyself.
13. In the next place be just both in deed and word.
14. And let it not be thy habit to behave thyself in any matter thoughtlessly,
15. But consider this,—that all must die.
16. And that as the good things of Fortune may be acquired, so also they may be lost.
17. As to those calamities which befall men through Divine Fortune,
18. If thou suffer, suffer in patience, and resent them not.
19. Do thy best to remedy them, and bear in mind,
20. That Destiny does not give the largest share to good men.
21. Many sorts of reasonings, good and bad, are to be found amongst men;
22. But be not disturbed by them, nor allow them to harass thee.
23. But if anything false of thee be put forth, bear it patiently.
24. Listen now carefully to what I am about to tell thee.
25. Let no one ever seduce thee by his words or acts,
26. Nor make thee do what is not seemly.
27. Deliberate before doing, in order that what thou doest may not be foolish.
28. For it is the part of a stupid man to speak and act without thought.
29. But do thou act so that thou shalt not be troubled by the result.
30. Do nothing also which thou dost not understand,
31. But learn all that thou shouldest know, and so thou shalt lead a pleasant life.
32. Neglect not the health of thy body.
33. Be moderate in food, and drink, and exercise.
34. Now by moderation I mean what will not injure thee.
35. Accustom thyself to a style of living which is simple but not luxurious.
36. Avoid anything which can give rise to envy.
37. Spend not unseasonably as one who knows not what is right.
38. Be not niggardly nor covetous.
39. Moderation in all things is most excellent.
40. Do only those things which cannot hurt thee, and think before doing (even them).
41. Never sleep before going over the acts of the day in thy mind.
42. Wherein have I done wrong? What have I done? What have I left undone?
43. Examine thyself. If thou hast done evil, blame.
44. And if thou hast done well, rejoice.
45. Practise thoroughly all these maxims; think on them; love them.
46. They will put thee in the way of Divine Virtue;
47. I swear it by Him who has put into our soul the Quaternion.
48. Who is the Eternal Source of Nature?
49. But go to thy work only after having prayed the gods to accomplish it.
50. Having done this, thou shalt know the constitution of the immortal Gods and of mortal men;
51. How far the different Beings extend, and what contains them and holds them together.
52. Thou shalt know also, according to right, that Nature is alike in all;
53. So that thou shalt not hope for that which thou shouldst not, and nothing shall be hidden from thee.
54. Thou shalt know also that men draw their misfortunes upon themselves of their own choice.
55. Wretches! they neither see nor understand that their Good is close at hand.
56. Few know how to free themselves from their misfortunes.
57. Such is the Fate that takes away the senses of men.
58. Some like wheels are carried in one direction, some in another, pressed down by ills innumerable.
59. For fatal strife, innate, ever following, unseen afflicts them.
60. They ought not to provoke this, but yield and so escape.
61. O Jove, mighty Father, wouldst Thou deliver them from many evils.
62. Show them what Fate is about to overtake them.
63. But be of good heart, the race of man is divine.
64. Holy Nature shews them all her mysteries.
65. If thou knowest these things, thou wilt do what I bid thee do;
66. And, having healed thy soul, thou will deliver it from these evils.
67. But abstain thou from the food, of which I have spoken, in the purifications,
68. And in the deliverance of thy Soul, decide between the courses open to you, and thoroughly examine all things.
69. Take the Supreme Mind as thy guide (who must ever direct and restrain thy course).
70. And when, after having thrown aside thy body, thou comest to the realms of most pure ether,
71. Thou shalt be a God, immortal, incorruptible.